How do I join live classes?

View the schedule on the “Live Class” tab above. You can subscribe for $24.99/month for unlimited classes, you can pay a $9 drop in rate or purchase a class pack.

If you subscribe to live classes, you can use your login information to reserve unlimited classes.

A zoom link will be sent via Talent Hack before class. You will receive a booking confirmation and reminder via email. If you sign up, but are unable to attend live, you have 24 hours to complete the class from the class time. The class will be sent to you via email shortly after the live class occurs.

All EFFECT classes are currently being held via Zoom. Please make sure you have the Zoom app installed or can access Zoom via your web browser before the scheduled class time.

How do join the video library?

You can subscribe to the video library on a monthly or annual basis. Monthly rate is $9.99/month. This provides unlimited access to on demand classes.

What equipment do I need?

A soft surface or a mat. We mostly use our own body weight, so weights are optional. If you want to order weights — Ideal weights are 1-2 pound ankle weights.

What if I have an injury or a pain point?

Let LEX know at the beginning of the Zoom session (even if it’s over the chat feature) before we get started, and modifcations will be offered to protect your pain point.